" ما هو الهدف من الحياة؟ الإسلام يجعل من الواضح أن على المسلم ، منذ البداية ، أن الغرض من الحياة هو دائم إلى الله عز وجل عبادة. وينبغي لنا أن نعرف أن السبيل الوحيد لخلاصنا في الدنيا والآخرة في معرفة الرب الذي خلقنا ، يؤمنون به ، وعبادته وحده "

~~~what is the aim of life? Islam makes it clear to the Muslim, from the very beginning, that the permanent purpose of life is to worship Allaah. We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the Hereafter is to know the Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him alone~~~


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dawud Wharnsby - Give A Little

Give a little of yourself.
Cure your greed, purify your wealth.
Look around at where you live,
look at all the good you have to give.
Give a little of yourself.

There is a hand somewhere to hold, a mouth to feed.
There's so much that we can do for so many who are in need.
Give our time, give our wealth,
give our love, give ourselves
knowing Allah sees each and every hidden deed.

Give a little of yourself.
Cure your greed, purify your wealth.
Look around at where you live,
look at all the good you have to give.
Give a little of yourself.

Take a look at all the people everywhere
who give with open hands and hearts that do what's fair.
Can you see the blessings fall
on believers one and all
who take the time to give, and know it's right to care?

Give a little of yourself.
Cure your greed, purify your wealth.
Look around at where you live,
look at all the good you have to give
Give a little of yourself.

Give a little of yourself.
Cure your greed, purify your wealth.
Look around at where you live,
look at all the good you have to give
Give a little of yourself.

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